One with lace and one without lace. Got good compositions and contrast.
One success and other one didn't.
The successful one probably is the best image I made so far, really want to try them on fabrics again.
The unsuccessful one I didn't throw it away. I tracing the blurry shape and added some drawing from the plants which I picked from Newstead Abbey also some colour and lines to make it interesting.
I guess it's still a great image as a craft design.
Use spray paint to add the lace pattern on the image.
Emboss experiment with lace and shapes.
First time I did this, as a big fan of print, I did enjoy the process. Could transfer the design to linoprint. Also, the first image inspired me to design a ceramic piece.( Show as the sketch down)
Stitching experiment by lace and plants
Playing the lace's shadow and make couple of images.
As you could see, I was stuck in the past that how I could connect them together, they were beautiful at that moment but nothing strong and not powerful enough.
Then I found a artist's work that inspired me, I could just use some simple lines to make everything together.
The artist's website
Then I created my final piece for the stitching.
I do like this outcome and maybe I could frame it straight away.
For this small process I feel sometimes we need to destroy the beauty then we could complete the whole.