Gelli plate printing is kind of a new way and super easy way to transfer shapes, images and colours into print. You can transfer magazine images into a piece of paper with or without background. You can transfer leaves into paper or fabric with a very clear details. I gonna past a short video here, so if you are interested in then you could have a look.
Now I could show you what I have done.
As you can see, I tried many different images on different paper with different layers, playing with the colours, the textures. It didn't always succeed and worked well. By the end I got a success one. I think the trick is you have to find the image which has a really strong contrast, like black and white.
Then I tried this process to transfer lace and natural elements to explore my project.
When I transferred some actual thing on the plate, I found the negative space is also interesting. Also the texture of this piece of lace been transferred very clearly. So I could zoomed it big and transfer it to screen print.
Gelli print is a fun way to create print, you only need a plate and some cheap acrylic paint then you can play it all day lol.